Mobility is a basic human need. Digitization supports us in this, ensuring the mobility of people,
goods and data in a more intelligent and sustainable way – as the basis for our prosperity,
our quality of life and our personal autonomy.“

Dr. oec. Hans-Peter Kleebinder, Independent Expert for #SMARTMobility #SMARTCities #MaaS

Who is Hans-Peter Kleebinder?

Hans-Peter Kleebinder is an independent expert for mobility (#SMARTMobility, #SMARTCities, #MAAS), brand, social media and influencer management with 24 years of experience in sales, marketing, communication and customer support at BMW, MINI and Audi in front of and with customers and fans.

His topics

#SMARTMobility #SMARTCities #MaaS #CHINA

#Transport #Traffic #eMobility #Dieselgate #Mobilityplan #AutomotiveIndustry

#AutonomousMobility #MICROMobility #AIRMobility #CustomerDrivenMobility #Blockchain&Mobility
  • How do we live, work and move in the future? 
  • Which technologies will become important and what does this mean for people?
  • How do SMARTMobility and SMARTCities influence our economy and our quality of life & autonomy?

His theses

  • (Our) mobility is a basic need. Mobility must not become a privilege.
  • We have a mobility problem, not a diesel one. Driving bans are wrong & ineffective
  • The Dieselgate was a wake-up call for VW and a great opportunity for customer enthusiasm.
  • Can the German car industry still be saved? Who are the new mobility players?
  • How do we manage the traffic turnaround? What does the mobility plan for the future look like?
  • In the future, it will be about the mobility of people, goods and data.
  • Digitalization is the basis for client centrics and forces companies to radically focus on their customers. 
  • The days when the car was a status symbol at the front door are passing.

Recent publications

„Wir müssen Mobilität völlig neu denken“  – Interview mit Zukunft Nahverkehr

„Wir müssen Mobilität völlig neu denken“ Smart Mobility statt Autopositas: Nach Jahrzehnten in der Autoindustrie macht sich Dr. Hans-Peter Kleebinder als unabhängiger Experte für die Mobilitätswende stark. Das Interview gibt es: …

Immer mehr Autos in Deutschland – Experte warnt vor „Verkehrsinfarkt“

Während in wenigen Städten die Zahl der Autos abnimmt, steigt sie bundesweit leicht an. Experten sehen Deutschland im Vergleich zu anderen Ländern immer mehr als Außenseiter. In welchen Regionen es die größte Autodichte gibt und was ein…

Upcoming dates (public)

Datum Veranstaltung
Panel @Hockenheim e4 Testival
Hockenheim (Deutschland)
Teilnehmer @ Filmvorführung von „A HUMAN RIDE
Augsburg (Deutschland)
11.11.24 - 13.11.24
Berlin (Deutschland)
18.11.24 - 22.11.24
Studienleiter @CAS SMART Mobility Management
St. Gallen (Schweiz)
Kurator und Moderator @Salon M
München (Deutschland)

What the market says

I have known Hans-Peter Kleebinder since his early days at MINI Germany and have since then regularly analyzed, discussed, and realized professional projects, and ideas with him. In all these years I have also come to appreciate him as an extremely friendly advisor and was often interested in his honest, inspiring, and always fair opinions far beyond his core topics of digitization, mobility, or the Connected World. Hans-Peter is an extremely well-founded and, above all, inspiring top speaker, an innovative forward- and lateral thinker, and an excellent moderator for complex issues, who is well versed in many international markets. Hans-Peter Kleebinder’s passion for his topics relating to mobility and his sustained interest in the economic and social impact of these topics is evident in every conversation. I can only congratulate everyone on including him in their personal network and having him at their side as a consultant, advisor, and speaker.

If you mix competence, contacts, sympathy and the human element, Hans-Peter comes out on top. In the 20 years of my time as W&V editor-in-chief, I interviewed him several times, even before the early days at Mini. Our publishing house often and gladly brought him in as a top speaker at W&V events, because he can convey incredible knowledge with a good sense of humor. We as editors often asked Hans-Peter for background information, assessments, comments and statements. A great, likeable and just as competent personality. I am looking forward to further projects with him!

Thank you, Dr. Kleebinder, for your excellent keynote at the Rotary Club Berlin-Pankow.
„Mobility in the future“ – this topic has been topical for a long time and will probably continue to do so for a long time to come. The way in which you presented your insights was on a very high level, both in terms of content and rhetoric.
We particularly enjoyed the question and discussion session after the keynote. You did proof your know-how with every answer and every thesis and you responded brilliantly to every question the participants had.
Accordingly, I received very good feedback from the club members for your great keynote and subsequent discussion which I am very happy to pass on to you.

I have known Dr. Hans-Peter Kleebinder for over 30 years. Already during his studies it became clear that he has a distinct feeling for and understanding of future trends. In this respect, he developed new visions for the rather conservative automotive industry at a very early stage – both conceptually and practically for two leading automotive groups. Today, everyone talks about mobility, connectivity and intermodal solutions in discussions about transport. Hans-Peter Kleebinder has been doing this for a long time as a creative and lateral thinker and is once again ahead of his time. He is therefore a first-class sparring partner and consultant with a clear focus on the user’s perspective. One can profit outstandingly from his practical experience, his passion for new topics and his ability to inspire and motivate humans. Anyone who needs answers to the question of what will move us and the next generations in the future is at the best address with him.

Hans-Peter has accompanied and supported me as a founder and entrepreneur since the start of my company in 2002. With his expertise in brand development, digitalization and market development, he has helped shape the success of our brand.

Hans-Peter Kleebinder is a top speaker, an innovative forward and lateral thinker and an international mobility expert. I got to know and appreciate him in the Professional Speaker GSA certificate course, which he completed with verve and commitment as the best of the year. At the beginning of the year he was a guest at my exclusive Salon Z in Vienna, Austria. With his keynote and visionary views of the future, he completely inspired the demanding guests, 150 top managers and personalities from Austrian politics, business, culture and the media. He not only stands for an eloquent presentation style, but also for detailed and knowledgeable answers to complex questions. His unbelievably relaxed manner inspires even his greatest critics – because his subject is highly controversial. Hans-Peter Kleebinder can move people and convince them with his experience and enthusiasm I can only recommend Hans-Peter Kleebinder and would book him again immediately.